Adi Saputro

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Jessica Carissa Larasati

Jessica Carissa Larasati: Anak yg Diberkati & Dijagai Tuhan dan Anak Anugerah dari Tuhan. Menjadi anak yang rendah hati dan taat kepada Tuhan. Menjadi berkat bagi sesama.

Jessica : God Behold


The meaning of the name Jessica is God Beholds

The origin of the name Jessica is Hebrew

Info on this name: Name invented by Shakespeare for the daughter of a Jewish merchant in 'The Merchant of Venice'. He probably derived it from Jesca (Yiska), the name of a minor Biblical character. Jessica Biel, actress. Jessica Simpson, singer. Jessica Tandy, actress.

Favorites Count Jessica is on 2251 favorite name lists

Carissa: from Charis....grace (anugerah).


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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For other uses of Carissa, see Carissa (disambiguation)
Carissa macrocarpa
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Gentianales
Family: Apocynaceae
Genus: Carissa L.

See text.

Carissa Mostly referred to a genus of about 20-30 species of shrubs or small trees native to tropical and subtropical regions of [[Africa], Australia and Asia.

The species grow to between 3-10 m tall, with spiny branches. The leaves are waxy and oblong, 3-8 cm long. The flowers are produced throughout most of the year; they are 1-5 cm diameter, with a five-lobed white or pink corolla; some have a fragrance reminiscent of Gardenia. The fruit is a plum-shaped berry, red to dark purple-black in different species, 1.5-6 cm in length, and containing up to 16 flat brown seeds. The fruit are edible but tart, with strawberry or apple-like flavour. If eaten before fully ripe, a bitter, latex-like substance is released from the skin. Because of its abundance of sharp thorns, the plant is often used as a security hedge.

Selected species

This fruit tree-related article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.

Refer to Annelise. As a subnote she has very large rack!

Larasati: rendah hati...Dewi Larasati

Dewi Larasati

Saka Wikipédia, Ènsiklopédhi Bébas ing basa Jawa / Saking Wikipédia, Bauwarna Mardika mawi basa Jawi

Langsung ke: pandhu arah, golèk

Dewi Larasati utawa Dewi Rarasati iku putrine Antagopa lan Ken Sagopi. Dheweke bojone Arjuna sing sepisanan lan nduwe putra Bambang Sumitra.

Dewi Larasati pinter ing olah kaprajuritan, utamane ing panah. Ing lakon Srikandhi Maguru Manah, Larasati bisa ngalahake. Malah, Larasati iki kang agawe Srikandhi dadi bojone Arjuna.

Ing bale somahe Arjuna, Larasati dadi panengah. Dewi Sumbadra dadi garwa utama, Srikandhi kang njaga kaputren, lan Larasati kang ngurusi bale wisma. Larasati kang uga nduwe jeneng Rarasati iku dadi pralambang aras utawa asih lan tresna sing daid panengah ing antarane Sumbadra kang alus lan Srikandhi kang agal.

Anak Kami Telah Lahir

Hello semua...

Anak kami yg kedua telah lahir !!! Puji Tuhan !!
Lahir hari Kamis (11 October 2007) jam 05.35 di RSIA Hermina Jatinegara; Jenis kelamin: perempuan; Berat: 3,085 kg; Panjang: 48cm. We named her: JESSICA CARRISA LARASATI

Kami berharap Jessica menjadi anak yg sungguh mengasihi Tuhan, taat dan setia sampai mati pada Tuhan!

Terimakasih Tuhan !